Wednesday, August 29, 2012


As if to state emphatically the ebbing away of summer's lazy days and all that this implies we have a bumper crop of new books this week.
Still, there should be something among these titles to bring cheer to those returning to the city and their work.

We start with a book eagerly anticipated by fans of vintage illustration since its announcement and an important addition to the cannon of books covering the masters.

HC 392pp Color, Black + White
Peak Books
The sun set to the golden age of American illustration saw some remarkable talent flare, such as Bernie Fuchs, David Grove, Robert McGinnis and of course Bob Peak, talents so inspiring they gave publishers and editors - who were then hectoring their art directors to use photographic images on projects - cause to pause.
Bob Peak worked on advertising campaigns, fashion designs, editorial illustration and of course film posters, this amazing book, lovingly produced by his son Thomas, spans his whole career and includes 600 illustrations!

The cover hardly prepares one for the visual treat waiting for the viewer inside, so here are some examples of the artist's unique work from this glorious book.

From a classic artist to a twist on a literary classic now as we follow the yellow brick road to,

SC 128pp Color
Sterling Books
A lot of really good artists have taken on Frank Baum's beloved tales of Oz and adapted them for the comic medium, most recently Eric Shanower and Scottie Young have served up equally delightful but visually very different adaptations and of course we need to mention Enrique Frenandez' jaw droppingly gorgeous and highly original interprutation.
Now comes Ben Caldwell with a unique style that looks half way between a comic book and images lifted from a beautiful animated version, replete with vibrant colors and amazingly original designs, perfectly suited to the story of plucky Dorothy, her friends and nemesis. 

Sticking with the classics but skipping several generations, it's the biggest event in knock down, kick 'em all around games, EVER!!

SC 192pp Color
Udon Entertainment
Recently a writer for a UK broad sheet posed the question, " are gamers the new athletes," the answer to which of course is, NO SILLY!
Yes finger,thumb and eye coordination of the highest order is required to master these time fillers but they aren't sport, which is why couch spuds can excel and experience something like being fit and furious!
This is the event fans of fight games have longed for and this book is the visual companion to the rumble in the consul, featuring your favorite characters, in character sheets, development and prom art. 

Now to the latest releases from our pals at Design Studio Press and for a publisher associated with cutting edge art, often depicting the future, this is an eclectic collection of books.

SC 128pp Chromatic
Spanish artist Marcos Mateu-Mestre produced Framed Ink for DSP, a book about structuring and styling artwork to suit the purpose of storytelling.
It wasn't simply an excellent exercise on pacing and sequencing but also covered character and atmosphere and he'd know about such things given his work in various area of the entertainment industry.
Marcos now brings us a compelling graphic novella about mercenaries in 15th Century Spain, as the violence of the Middle Ages is about to become the blood letting of the Renaissance.
The art and story are perfectly pitched as one would expect from an artist whose every working hour is spent honing his talent.

HC 48pp Color
Kid inventor Tyler gets whisked across the galaxy to join the students of the STAR academy, which prepares charges for promoting intergalactic peace and not a career in show biz as a third rate singer!
The storybook for children comes courtesy of Dylan Cole, a production designer, matte painter and concept artist for the entertainment industry.

HC 68pp Color Black + White
The perfect pick me up for those with summer's end blues would be this charming book by the talented Mr Ayers.
The Daily Zoo began as Chris's own method of emotional and moral recovery to compliment the excellent care of the professionals as he battled leukemia.
Recently Chris was part of a double header exhibition at the Galerie Daniel Maghen here in Paris, with artist Joe Weatherly and this book features all the pieces Chris made for the show and some extras.
As with all the Daily Zoos you get a wonderful collection of humorous  animal caricatures and the warm glow of having contributed to research and relief to aid victims of this disease.

Less hospitable critters are to be found in,

SC 98pp Color
Sekeris is a much sort after creature designer by Holywood studios, think of  a recent fantasy film block buster and chance are Constantine will have had a hand in designing a character or two.
This book collects examples of his personnal research, charting his progress as an artist.

Closing out this selection of DSP's new books, is what the heck it's 

SC 128pp Color
This book features 40 artists who were featured on Lorin Wood's blogspot dedicated to the best art and designs of big robots, Nuthin' But Mech.
Lorin himself is a designer in the gaming industry, where he can indulge his passion for hulking metal.

We stay with hardware and consider the merits of,

HC 112pp Color, Black + White
Insight Editions
For the many fans with an unsatiable appetite for things relating to Christopher Nowlan's epic cinematic treatment of  Batman, there's this book which examines Batman's Arsenal as designed by Wyne Enterprise's Lucius Fox, from the film's that make up Nowlan's epic trilogy.
The book features removable documents such as blue prints and provides design information for every gadget, big and small, used by the gravel voiced caped crusader in the films and it looks great sitting between the Art and Making of and the Batmobile books!

Finally, if you like big healthy women gone bad, red fleshed devil chics and hot rod racers then you'll be delighted to know that we did indeed receive Coop's ealier megatomes Devil's Advocate and Big Fat One, as predicted!


HC 392pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Peak Books
L'age d'or de l'illustration Américaine  vit de grands talents s'epanouir, Bernie Fuchs, David Grove, Robert McGinnis et bien sur Bob Peak, des talents si inspirant qu'ils ont donné envie aux directeur artistiques de commander moins de photos et plus d'illustrations.
Bob peak a travaillé dans la publicité, dans la mode, pour des magasines d'illustation et réalisa de magnifiques affiches pour le cinema.
Cet incroyable livre, realisé avec amour par son fils Thomas, presente toute sa carrière et contient pas moins de 600 illustrations!
La couverture ne prepare pas vraiment au plaisir visuel qui attends le lecteur en feuilletant le livre, donc voila quelques exemples de ce que vous y trouverez.

SC 128pp Couleur
Sterling Books
De nombreux artistes talentueux ont deja adapté le Magicien d'Oz de Frank Baum en bande dessinée, comme recemment Eric Shanower et Skottie Young pour Marvel Comics ou dans un autre style Enrique Fernandez.
Ben Caldwell nous propose à son tour sa vision, un savant melange de comics et d'animation avec de magnifiques couleurs et d'incroyable designs.

SC 192pp Couleur
Udon Entertainment
Voici l'evenement que les fans de jeux videos de combats attendaient, voici le guide visuel du clash des mondes de Tekken et Street Fighter, decouvrez les designs des personnages, leurs etapes de devellopement et les illustrations utilisées pour leur promotion.

SC 128pp Chromatique
L'artiste Espagnol Marcos Mateu-Mestre, nous expliquait dans son livre Framed Ink egalement chez DSP ses methodes de design et de composition pour une narration la plus efficace possible.
Il y traitait egalement des atmospheres et des personnages, et au vu de son CV il sait de quoi il parle.
Aujourd'hui il nous propose une Bande dessinée dont l'action se passe en Espagne au 15ème siècle, à la fin des ages obscurs qui ont precedaient la Renaissance.
L'histoire et les dessins sont superbes.

HC 48pp Couleur
Le jeune inventeur Tyler se retrouve transporté à l'autre bout de la galaxie pour rejoindre les etudiants de la STAR Academie, qui prepare à maintenir la paix dans la galaxie!
Le tout est raconté par Dylan Cole, un designer, matte painter et concept artist de l'industrie du divertissement.

HC 68pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Le Daily Zoo commenca comme une therapie personnelle pour Chris qui venait de combattre une leucemie.
Recemment Chris participa à une double exposition avec l'artiste Joe Weatherly à la Galerie Daniel Maghen ici à Paris.
Ce livre recueil toutes les oeuvres faites par Chris pour l'exposition ainsi que quelques bonus.
Comme pour les deux volumes precedents vous y decouvrirez de magnifiques et amusantes caricatures d'animaux et la satisfaction d'avoir participé à la recherche contre cette maladie.

SC 98pp Couleur
Constantine à participé aux design de personnages de nombreux blockbusters recents à Hollywood.
Ce livre est un recueil de recherches de personnages, montrant ses progrés en tant qu'artiste.

SC 128pp Couleur
Ce livre regroupe 40 artistes ayant tous participé au blog de Lorin Wood consacré au meilleur art et design de robots geants.
Lorin lui même etant designer dans l'industrie du jeux videos où il peut exprimer sa passion pour ces hulks metalliques.

HC 112pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Insight Editions
Voici un nouveau livre pour les fans de la trilogie de Christopher Nolan, vous decouvrirez l'arsenal de Batman devellopé par Lucius Fox pour Wayne Entreprise.
Le livre recueil des fac similés de documents et designs remplis d'informations sur tout les gadgets de batman, petits et grands!

Et finallement, comme promis nous avons recupéré les deux premiers art books de Coop, Devil's Advocate et Big Fat One.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

R.I.P. SERGIO TOPPI 1932 - 2012

A friend just informed me of the sad news that another giant of comic book art has passed on, artist Sergio Toppi died yesterday.

Toppi was an immensly liked and respected artist, always gracious and accommodating towards his many fans and with a profound work ethic which had him working virtually to the end, despite failing health.

Toppi combined an encyclopedic knowledge of history and anthropology with amazing draftsmanship and story telling ability, which used abstrat components and distortion to produce unique work, truely an incomperable talent and style. 

Toppi was an inspiration to other artists around the globe, for instance Ashley Wood, Walt Simonson and rising star Sean Murphey  have all acknowledged  their deep respect for the man and his art.

A very small consolation for the fans is that Toppi's French and Italian publishers have multiple books in development, however each of these releases, along with his existing work will now be tinged with the regret that Sergio Toppi himself is no longer with us.


Hello readers, things just got a whole lot hotter in the store this week, sure the weather is pushing the mercury up on the old barometer but  check out these great new titles which are just as sweat inducing!

We've had a lot of folks asking about them and finally here they are,

2 x 48pp Black + White
J Scott Campbell asked his favorite colorist and art director, Mexico's own Mad Hatter - honestly I've never seen this hombre without a stylish chapeau of some sort - Leonardo Olea, to collect some of the best pencil works from his sketch books and package them sympathetically for fans.
The result is these twin spiral books presenting a compelling mix of subjects in the inimitable style of J Scott Campbell, which probably gets us mortals as close to the master's own sketch books as we can hope to get.

The twins look so good together that we've decided not to seperate them and to sell them as a set, thus saving you the dilemma of having to choose between them.
That said we're offering the sets signed and for the thrifty shopper unsigned so the purchase will require a degree of decisiveness!

Here's another great sketch book which like the Ruff Stuff twins debuted at the recent San Diego Comic Con,

SC 36pp Black + White Signed
There's not a genre he can't handle, or a mood he can't convey, no wonder stars such as Neal Adams, Tood McFarlane and Arthur Adams have declared Michael Golden's a rare and amazing talent.
This neat little book features mostly porttraits and individual figures of fan favorite characters from the comics and film, all offered up in Michael's wonderfully expressive style.

HC 128pp Color
Harper Design
New Zealand beautiful land of the long white cloud is also home to the world's best national rugby union team and to Weta Workshop, the design studio behind Peter Jackson's block buster movies.
28 fantasy artists from way down there tell us about themselves and their work, in this lavishly illustrated book, while luminaries like film maker Guillermo Del Toro and Weta chief Richard Taylor add their praise and appreciation of the artists efforts.

OK we've waited ten years since his last book so without further ado, it's

HC 200pp Color, Black + White
Baby Tattoo
Hot damn, Coop can take what are already symbols of rebellion and nonconformity, such as Hot Rods and wanton women and twist yet more
subversion from them.
In doing the Devil's bidding Coop's idle hands employ a bold clear line serving up images of potency and power usually depicting our drinking buddy Satan, voluptuous cuties or hot rod dragsters, no wonder he's a mainstay of the Southern Californian Low Brow, Pop Surrealism scene. 

Possibly as soon as next week we'll receive the earlier collections of Coop's work, Devil's Advocate and Big Fat One .

We stay with the alternative art scene and Baby Tattoo books with the strangely hypnotic 

HC 250pp Color, Black + White
Baby Tattoo
Hmm the cover doesn't give much away about Michael Hussar's compelling and disturbing work, I'll help out with some images in a bit.
What you need to know about the book is that it collects finished paintings and preliminery sketches produced over  a 10 year period, spanning 1999 - 2009, it has amazing production values including embossed outer band, color edged pages and vellum inserts.
Hussar's work fits into that catagorey examplified by artists such as Mark Ryden and Nicoletta Ceccoli but with even more despair and angst, see what we mean?

In closing we want to express our sadness at the passing of two giants in the field of entertainment, Joe Kubert and Tony Scott.

Joe Kubert leaves behind a legacy almost certain to endure for decades to come, first there's the amazing and voluminous body of his own work, the man worked for 70 years as a comic book artist, then there's the numerous ullumnai from his school of cartooning filling animation studios and drawing comics professionaly and finally there's his talented sons, Andy and Adam, two power house artists of comic's current era.

The brash subject matter and the colossul egos of the stars can sometimes blind one to the craft Tony Scott brought to his films, for better or worse the modern action film wouldn't be what it is without him.
Frenzied, kinetic editing and soaring camera work were hallmarks of his work and have become de rigueur in the action field. 
Yet it should be remembered that for all the pyrotechnics and spectacle the director also gave space to the actors to express their talents, take Crimson Tide, or to give it it's imaginative French title U.S.S. Alabama, as good a thriller as one can come across, with fine performances from its principals Denzil Washingon and Gene Hackman.

Bonjour chers lecteurs, les choses sont devenues un peu plus chaude cette semaine, bien sur le temps y est pour quelque chose mais les nouveaux livres y sont pour beaucoup.

Beaucoup de gens les attendaient, les voila enfin

2 x 48pp Noir et Blanc
J Scott Campbell a demandé à son coloriste et directeur artistique favori, Leonardo Olea, de faire un recueil des meilleurs crayonnés provenant de ses sketchbooks et de les présenter de la manière la plus sympa possible pour ses fans. 
Le résultat est deux sketchbooks présenter comme des carnets à croquis avec spirale, remplis de différents travaux préparatoires et recherches dans le style inimitable de J Scott Campbell.

Les deux sketchbooks sont proposés ensembles dans un set, ce qui vous évite le dilemme d'avoir à choisir lequel acheter.
Un choix sera quand même à faire entre la version signée et non signée.

Voici un autre super sketchbook venant aussi de San Diego

SC 36pp Noir et Blanc Signé
Il n'y a aucun genre ou sentiment qu'il ne peut pas dessiner, pas étonnant que des stars comme Neal Adams, Todd McFarlane ou Arthur Adams aient déclaré Michael Golden un rare et incroyable talent.
Vous retrouverez dans ce sketchbook des portraits des personnages de comics et de films favoris des fans, le tout dans style incroyablement expressif.

HC 128pp Couleur
Harper Design
Les magnifiques paysages de Nouvelle Zélande abritent Weta Workshop, le studio de design derrière tous les gros Blockbusters de Peter Jackson. 
28 artistes de fantasy nous parlent d'eux et de leur travail,le tout accompagné de nombreuses illustrations et de commentaires du réalisateur Guillermo Del Toro et du directeur de Weta Richard Taylor exprimant leur admiration pour ces artistes.

HC 200pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Baby Tattoo

L'incroyable artiste Coop emploie une ligne claire sure pour produire des images pleine de force et de pouvoir habituellement impliquant Satan buvant, des femmes voluptueuses et des hot rod dragsters, pas étonnant l'importance de Coop dans le mouvement sud Californien Low Brow, Pop Surrealism.

Nous recevrons potentiellement la semaine prochaine ses premiers recueils Devil's Advocate et Big Fat One .

HC 250pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Baby Tattoo
La couverture ne donne pas vraiment une idée du travail de Michael Hussar, c'est pour cela que j'ai rajouté deux de ses oeuvres.
Ce que vous avez besoin de savoir sur ce livre c'est qu'il recueil ses peintures et dessins préliminaires couvrant une période de 10 ans, 1999-2009 et que la qualité d'impression est incroyable.
Le travail d'Hussar est dans l'esprit d'artistes tel que Mark Ryden er Nicoletta Ceccoli mais avec encore plus de désespoir et d'angoisse.

Pour finir nous aimerions exprimer notre tristesse à l'annonce de la disparition de deux géants du divertissement, Joe Kubert et Tony Scott.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello readers, I'm back so what say I drop some Anglais in here, you'll find it after Adnan's reviews of the week's arrivals en Français.
The Art and Making of PARANORMAN
HC 160pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Chronicle Books
Cet art book est visuellement somptueux avec de magnifiques illustrations et decors, de superbes personnages et des pages du storyboard ultra dynamique.
L’équipe du développement visuel nous révèlent le processus qui a amené ce  monde fantastique des concepts de l’équipe artistique au grand écran. Loin d'etre une tâche facile les equipes artistiques et techniques ont travaillé ensemble et créer de nouvelles technologies -comme une imprimante 3D qui peut sculpter et peindre tout ce que vous modelisez en 3D numérique- pour vous livrer cette merveilleuse vision des personnages et de leur univers!
BATMOBILE The Complete History
HC 144pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Titan Books
Retrouvez dans cet incroyable livre l'histoire de la mythique Batmobile depuis sa création, suivez son évolution à travers les décennies que ce soit dans les comics comme dans la série TV des années 70, les films cultes de Tim Burton et moins cultes de Joel Schumacher jusqu'à la dernière trilogie de Christopher Nolan.
Découvrez des images d'archives, commentaires et concepts de tous les artistes qui ont eu la chance de la designer.

SC 96pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Illustrated Press
Le magasine Illustration publié par Dan Zimmer, est un must have pour tous ceux qui sont passionnés par l'illustration classique Americaine.
Des articles tres detaillés sur les artistes ecrits par des experts accompagnés de magnifiques reproductions de leurs ouvres.
Retrouvez dans ce numéro un dossier sur la carrière du grand illustrateur Jon Whitcomb, découvrez ses premiers travaux, sa vision du travail d'illustrateur et ce qui l'a fait évolué pour devenir l'un des meilleurs de son époque.
Et comme à chaque numéro deux autres artistes sont à l'honneur Sheilah Beckett une artiste ayant surtout illustrée des contes pour enfants et des
univers fantastiques ainsi que Wesley Snyder un illustrateur de pulps et magasines.

The Creativity of Steve DITKO
HC 208pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Retrouvez dans ce second ouvrage de l’éditeur IDW de nombreuses histoires par Steve Ditko plus ou moins inédites, entrecoupées de quelques pages vous présentant avec des photos les différents moments de la riche et longue carrière de ce maître du comics américain.

Animal Nature Vol.2
SC 67pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Weatherly Studio
Joe Weatherly nous propose dans ce second volume d'Animal Nature de nouvelles peintures où sont représentées des animaux sauvages dans leurs environnements naturel, il y propose également quelques études en couleur, croquis et des explications sur son processus créatif.
Un livre parfait pour les amoureux d'animaux sauvages et pour les artistes voulant élargir leur connaissance sur le sujet. 

The Art and Making of PARANORMAN
HC 160pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Chronicle Books
This good looking book takes us into the den of the creative team at Laika, the folks behind this stop motion animated film about kids and zombies, Paranorman.
Of course there are images of models and the 3D settings for the film but there's a lot of great artwork produced to inspire and serve as references for the model makers.
This is exactly what fans of a film's accompanying artbook want, I wish an editor would return to Laika's earlier film, the excellent Coraline and produce a more representative book such as this one of the stunning art produced for Coraline, becuse sadly Coraline A Visual Companion wasn't the book it could have been.

BATMOBILE The Complete History
HC 144pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Insight Editions
Strap in because we're  turning the " atomic battery to power, turbines to speed"  and tearing through the pages of this  fascinating examination of the hitory of Batman's various modes of transporation, the Batmobiles.
Mark Cotta Vaz serves as our driver as we take the bends with the Batmobiles from the comics and tear around Gotham's streets in those from the films, we even get to park in the Batcave - arguably the coolest version - the glorious creation by George Barris from the TV show.
Everybody, na na na na na na na na na ............... Batman!

SC 96pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Illustrated Press
A particularly glamorous issue of the always excellent magazine celebrating America's best illustrators and it couldn't be otherwise with John Whitcomb taking pride of place as the prime focus of this issue.
Yet the man who defined glamour for a decade of American men and women is in good company as the delightful work of Sheilah Beckett and the equally style conscious Wesley Snyder are also featured in this wonderful issue.

The Creativity of Steve DITKO
HC 208pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
A companion volume to IDW's Art of Steve Ditko, this book features rare and unpublished photos of and artwork by the unique and reclusive talent that brought us Spider-man and Doctor Strange.

Animal Nature Vol.2
SC 67pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Weatherly Studio
This is the first of two books by two special artist which spring from the same event; last winter Joe Weatherly and Chris Ayers were invited to Paris for a combined exhibition and sale of their work at the Galerie Daniel Maghen.
The styles of Joe and Chris are very different but what they have in common is command of their technique and knowledge of their subject, so that while Joe gives us realistic representations of animals, as a fortunate few might find them in the wild, Chris gives us caricatures which tells us a lot about the subject and ourselves.

As well as selling original fine art via galleries across N America, Joe has published books and DVDs  - available here naturally - about his art and how to approach mastering illustrating animals, he's also a highly regarded and much sort after educator and tutor on animal illustration.

The majority of the pieces in this handsome book were on display at the gallery show and are now resting on the walls of appreciative owners here and in America.

Chris's new book The Daily Zoo in Paris, featuring his work for the Galerie Daniel Maghen's show will be with us soon, meanwhile we have his three other books and a collection of his prints.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hello readers not that much to report on this week in the way of new books as a box or two appear to have gone missing in transit.

Hopefully they'll be found and sent to us for next week, while in addition the art book for the new stop motion animated feature from the good folks behind Coraline, Paranorman, is being supplied to us in what appears to be trickle down fashion and rather like that theory of wealth distribution it's proving unsatisfactory and frustrating to those of us waiting at the trickles end!

(Still the good news is that when we finally have our stock in a significant number you'll discover a much more rewarding book than the art book produced for Coraline, which singularly failed to demonstrate the creativity of the whole team involved in the creation of that delightful film!)

So, here's the latest sketchbook from one of our favorite artists, who happily survived the SDCC despite being positioned under air conditioning blowing air at him of arctic temperatures.

SC 80pp Black + White Signed
Ben Caldwell
Another inspirational collection of sketches from the acclaimed artist behind Wednesday Comics Wonder Woman and the wonderful All Action Classics.
You'll find bold and dynamic images of fan favorites as well as intriguing glimpses of Ben's own projects.
Ben draws in a stripped down, turbo charged, animation style which delivers images between the styles of maestros Don Bluth and Mike Mignola.

Jim Warren's comic magazines of the 1980s featured some of the very best artists in the medium working at the top of their game, Dark Horse have produced two welcome collections featuring the unique talents of Richard Corben and Bernie Wrightson and now IDW bring these Artist's Edition folios featuring two great artists and two great stories.

Folio 7 pages Black + White
This is a sort of bite sized Frankenstein, over 7 pages a mad scientist tries to create life but assumes he's failed, tips his experiment down the drain where it becomes the muck monster, which then pays professor pop a visit.
Wrightson's art has seldom been better, it of course recalls his triumph and the inspiration for this tale, his illustrated version of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein, as well as the work of master engravers of the early 20th century such as Franklin Booth.
These pages are scanned directly from the original and presented in exactly that size in a handsome and sturdy - no it doesn't look like myself or John Hamm - wallet.

Folio 7 pages Black + White
A story that could have come from recent headlines about a disturbed and  disconnected young man going berserk with a gun he shouldn't be able to lay his hands on, not if a responsible society was paying attention.
Neal Adams is often credited with bringing modernity and realism to American comic book art, he's also charged by some with creating the opportunity for grand standing illustrators to show off instead of telling stories.
What can't be denied is the power and mastery of the story telling in these 7 pages as innocents and heroes are indiscrminately gunned down by a lone gunman.
As with the Muck Monster, Thrill Kill is presented in a custom designed wallet to sit nicely along side your other Artist's Editions.

Jason Schachter, manager at Essential Sequential, has an incredible roster of artist he represents and recently we purchased some mighty fine prints from him.
Ask us about prints by talents as special and diverse as Dan Panosian - soon to be working on a BD series for a major publisher here like - 7 Detective's Eric Canete, then there's cover supremo Dave Johnson, the so cool Andrew Robinson, the so nice Tim Sale, the amiable Matteo Scalera and the multi tasking Peter Nguyen.
These prints are produced to a very high standard and most come signed by the artist!

Then if you still have some space on your wall, why the first of the 2013 calendars have arrived, we've images from George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones aka Song of Fire & Ice, Wonder Woman by the splendidly monicored Jose Garcia Lopez and classic Marvel characters, who pop right out at you, by greats like John Buscema, Gil Kane and Jack Kirby!

OK, Friday I'll be hitting the road to find some sea and sun for a week, while Adnan takes the helm of the good ship Pulp's Art.

Bonjour chers lecteurs, il n'y a pas grand chose à présenter cette semaine car un ou deux cartons ne nous ont pas été livré.

Espérant qu'ils soient retrouvés et renvoyés au magasin d'ici la semaine prochaine.

SC 80pp Noir et Blanc Signé
Ben Caldwell

Un autre incroyable recueil de sketches par le génial artiste du Wednesday comics Wonder Woman et du All Action Classics.
Vous y trouverez des illustrations de super héros ainsi que des recherches graphiques des ses projets personnels.
Ben dessine avec un style ultra dynamique inspiré de l'animation, entre Don Bluth et Mike Mignola.

Folio 7 pages Noir et Blanc

Voici une histoire qui rappelle son Frankenstein, un scientifique essaye de créé la vie mais pensant avoir échoué il se débarrasse de son expérience qui devient le Muck Monster, celui ci décide alors de rendre une visite au scientifique.
Wrightson nous montre son amour pour les maîtres graveurs du début du 20ème siècle comme Franklin Booth.
Ces pages sont scannées en haute définition directement à partir des planches originales et imprimées à la même taille.

Folio 7 pages Noir et Blanc

Une histoire qui rappelle des évènements récents, un jeune homme dérangé et déconnecté devenant incontrôlable avec une arme qu'il ne devrait pas posséder. 
Neal Adams est souvent crédité pour avoir apporter de la modernité et du réalisme dans les comics, il est également accusé d'avoir créé l'opportunité pour les artistes de plus illustrer que de raconter des histoires.  
Ce qui ne peut pas être nié c'est son talent pour raconter cette histoire en 7 pages où des innocents et des héros sont abattus au hasard par un tireur fou.

Jason Schachter, directeur de Essential Sequential, représente une incroyable équipe d'artistes et nous lui avons commander de très belles lithographies toutes signées.
Demander à voir ces lithographies de Dan Panosian, Dave Johnson, Eric Canete, Andrew Robinson, Matteo Scalera, Peter Nguyen et Tim Sale.

Et s'il vous reste un peu de place sur vos murs nous avons également reçu des calendriers, George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones aka Song of Fire & Ice, Wonder Woman illustré par Jose-Lui Garcia Lopez et Marvel Comics Classic avec des illustrations de John Buscema, de Gil Kane et de Jack Kirby.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hello readers, as well as new titles from the mainstream book market this week we have our first selection of rare and hard to find sketchbooks purchased directly from the artists or their agents while in sunny San Diego attending Comic Con.

Let's kick off with a book we're constantly asked for but until now we've been unable to supply,

SC 42pp Color, Black + White Signed
Chris Sanders
The incredibly youthful director of such animation hits as Lilio & Stich and How To Train Your Dragon has been super busy putting the finishing touches to his next opus due for release in March of next year, The Croodes. 
Yet he found time to get down to the Con and heeding the supplications of his fans he's put his very rare first sketchbook back into print in a new and improved edition.
There's more drawings, more color and it sports two covers the second being a tad more suggestive than the cover above, both are embossed!

Sticking with animators, here's a great little big book,

Sc 128pp Color, Black + White Signed
Paul Wee
Paul Wee has a beautiful line which he doesn't get to show too often in his day job of being one of the lead designers on The Simpsons.
Paul can deliver images in a variety of styles from stripped down animation to more intricate classically rendered pieces and the subjects range from celebrity caricatures to gags, lovely nudes and animal studies.

SC 84pp Color, Black + White Signed
Dustin Nguyesn
Dustin has worked as a designer for toys, games and animation but is best known for his work for DC comics.
His previous sketchbook is a sold out hit and we expect this new book to sell very quickly because while it's also full of representations of fan favorite characters, many in his signature Chibi - kiddy, like big head small body - style, Dustin has ramped up the production values on this new book, making it a great little number.

SC 20pp Color, Black + White Signed
Terry Dodson
It's always a pleasure encountering Terry and his delightful wife, Rachel, particularly when Terry has a new sketch book on offer.
The latest book, like # 5, is small but beautifully formed and features his wonderful poster for this year's  Emerald City Comic Con. held in Seattle, along with studies of Songes and an intriguing glimpse of what might be a new project for the always busy husband and wife artistic team.

We have Terry's foray into BD, Songes available with a specially produced and limited sketch book at a great price, as well as previous books and sketch books.
In addition Terry will be a guest of honor at the forth coming Paris Comics Expo in October, see

The images for the next three books are presented in their full wrap around glory, it's all part of the service here at Pulp's Art. 

SC 52pp Color, Black + White Signed
Arthur Adams
OK so this isn't a new book but we brought over so few last time and they went so quickly that we thought you'd appreciate us bringing in some more.
A nice mix of character studies in a variety of finishes from pencil, to inked through to full color, with an emphasis on curvy women - naturally - in Arthur's incomparable style. 

We should have the fabulous hard cover reprinting his first two black and white sketchbooks soon.

SC 32pp  Black + White Signed
Bill Seinkiewicz Art
Within the wrap around cover paying homage to Mr Besson's Leon you have all sorts of stuff, character studies, comic strips, even a portrait of General Custer but all by one of the greatest stylist of the medium.

We have a limited quantity of Bill's 2009, 2010 and 2011 for those wanting to take a walk on comic's wilder side!

SC 32pp Black + White Signed
Worth the price just to own this cover featuring Marvel's best circa late 70s early 80s but inside there are lots of pencilled goodies produced for Marvel, DC and Dynamite to be savored, from the artist who makes it seem all so real, Alex Ross.

OK having indulged you on the cover front, here's one we're presenting in its untitled and precolored state,

SC 52pp Color, Black + White 
Tim Sale & Essential Sequential
Tim Sale is blessed with the ability to create credible atmosphere in his comic work, following on from his Hardedge sketchbook, here's another selection of brooding, moody images of comic's caped and costumed heroes mingling with the dolls and heavies of the pulps.

SC Color, Black + White Signed
Essential Sequential
Matteo's is a talent to watch as he takes over the art chores on Secret Avangers, although you may have already clocked his work on various titles from Image, such as Dynamo 5 and Hyperkinetic, Outcast for Boom and various Deadpool incarnations for Marvel; but don't take my word for it, he recently won - with 11 others -  a global Marvel talent scouting contest, The Chester Quest.
Rather like his club mate at Essential Sequential, the incredible Sean Murphy, Matteo's art is informed by both the American and the European traditions but where he differs from Sean is the slight influence of manga and anamie.
So I've told you about Mat and his style, the book itself is a collection of covers and sketches some of fan favorites, some generic, all excellent!

SC 48pp Color, Black + White Signed
Andrew Robinson & Essential Sequential
Full disclosure I'm a big fan of this artist's work so I'll try and keep every ones feet on the ground by saying simply that this is a book featuring lots of character studies of fan favorites in color and a few in black and white, drawn in the artist's unique style of which we don't see nearly enough in mainstream comics.

Art Hog isn't the only book by Andrew we picked up, as we also nabbed a few copies of the uber rare - like just 100 - DS9P, which is 9 new pages of his Dusty Star apocalyptic western and some sketches.
Andrew is currently putting the finishing touches to his graphic novel about the Beatles and their manager Brian Epstein, following which he promises to return to Dusty Star, yay!!

SC 48pp Color, Black + White
Aspen MLT Inc.
The third and probably final book in the series comemorating Michael Turner's elegent artwork collects sketches from the years preceeding his untimely passing in 2008.
These books are crammed with black and white art in various stages of finish and pay fitting tribute to his unique talent.

Each of the books is printed in a run of just 1000 copies, we have a very limited supply of books 1 and 2.

HC 304pp Color, Black + White
It might not soar to the dizzy heights reached by the second installment, yet the concluding chapter in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy currently playing in theatres is still immensely impressive story telling and film making of the highest calibre.
This heavily illustrated and densely detailed book, which features many more photos than it does artwork, takes us right into the process of making these enormous films, all three, which scale wise are like a small army going to war.
We get the views of the stars and the technical team about how to make the fantastic credible and the rigours of film making on an epic scale.
The industry appointed Emperor of the nerds state side might be fulminating at the trilogy's finally but Nolan and his teams on either side of the camera deserve full credit for bringing a much loved cast of characters back from the nadir of previous incarnations and bringing the trilogy to a very satisfying conclusion in the minds of many.

Don't forget Pixar's Brave aka Rebel gets released here this week and you can find the gorgeous accompanying art book right here!

SC 272 pp Color, Black + White
Ballistic Publishing
This is another in Australian publisher Ballistic's series " Art of the Game " and follows art books devoted to Unchartered 2 and God of War 3.
An illustrated examination of the work by Epic Games to create the latest installment in their highly succesful si-fi/horror shoot 'em up, Gears of War 3.
All the visual aspects are explored, characters, environments, monsters, weapons, harware and vehicles in comprehensive chapters.

We stay with games with,

SC 192pp Color, Black + White
Udon Entertainment
Tons of fun filled images by Takehito Tarada in his clean, clear style from the popular and amusing fantasy game, including development art, CD covers and promotional pieces.

SC 168pp Color, Black = White
Udon Entertainment
Go behind the scenes of the visual creation of the first in the popular Shining RPG for the Nintendo DS console, you get character studies for all the principal characters, promotional art work and  story boards in this nice book, perfect for the game's fans.

Finally we're happy to announce the return to our shelves of these popular books and at new lower prices!
Battle Cry is the stunning art of the ground breaking animation show Samurai Champloo, while Queen of Arts is a gorgeous showcase of fabulous female artists with contrasting styles.

Bonjour chers lecteurs, cette semaine en plus des nouveautés attendues, nous avons recus la première vague de sketchbooks que nous avons achetés au Comicon de San Diego,

Commencons avec un sketchbook que l'on nous a souvent demandé mais qui etait jusque là epuisé,

SC 42pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Chris Sanders

L'incroyablement jeune realisateur de succes de l'animation tel que Lilo et Stitch ou Dragons a eté tres occupé à finaliser son nouveau projet prevu pour mars 2013 The Croods.
Il a quand même trouvé le temps d'aller à San Diego pour proposer la réedition enrichie de son premier sketchbook.
Vous y trouverez plus de dessins, plus de couleurs et une nouvelle couverture magnifique!

Sc 128pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Paul Wee

Paul Wee a un superbe style qu'il n'a pas l'occasion de beaucoup montré, son travail etant d'être l'un des principaux designers des Simpsons.
Paul est capable de dessiner dans une grande variété de styles, allant de l'animation à des dessins plus detaillés et classiques, et ceci pour caricaturer des celebrités, dessiner de magnifiques nus et des etudes animalières.

SC 84pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Dustin Nguyen

Dustin a travaillé comme designer de jouets, de jeux et dans l'animation mais il est plus connu pour son travail chez DC Comics.
Son precedent sketchbook est epuisé et nous sommes surs que ce nouveau sketchbook se vendra tres rapidement car comme le premier il est rempli d'illustrations des personnages favoris des fans, de nombreux dans un style Chibi qu'il affectionne, tout cela imprimé avec une meilleure qualité que le precedent.

SC 20pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Terry Dodson

C'est toujours un plaisir de rencontrer Terry et sa merveilleuse femme, Rachel, particulièrement quand Terry a un nouveau sketchbook à offrir.
Comme le numero 5, vous retrouverez la magnifique affiche du Comicon d'Emerald City de cette année, avec des etudes autour de sa BD Franco Belge Songes et d'intriguants apercus de son nouveau projet.

SC 52pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Arthur Adams

Ok ceci n'est pas un nouveau sketchbook mais nous en avions amené si peu la dernière fois et ils avaient été vendus si vite que nous pensions que vous seriez contents que l'on en ramene plus.
Un plaisant melange entre etudes de personnages crayonnés, encrés et en couleur avec de nombreuses pin ups dans le style incomparable d'Arthur Adams.

Nous devrions recevoir le artbook reeditant ses deux premiers sketchbooks bientôt.

SC 32pp  Noir et Blanc Signé
Bill Seinkiewicz Art

Dans ce magnifique sketchbook vous trouverez toutes sortes de choses, etudes de personnages, pages de comics, et même un portrait du general Custer le tout dans un magnifique style.

Nous avons egalement une quantité limité de ses sketchbooks de 2009, 2010 et 2011.

SC 32pp Noir et Blanc Signé

Rien que de posseder la couverture montrant les meilleurs heros de Marvel des années 80 vaut le prix de ce sketchbook, mais vous avez egalement de nombreux dessins produits pour Marvel, DC et Dynamite.

SC 52pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Tim Sale & Essential Sequential

Tim Sale est benni avec l'abilité de créer des univers credible, suivant son precedent sketchbook Hardedge, voici une nouvelle collection de dessins de super heros et pin-ups magnifiques.

SC Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Essential Sequential

Matteo est un talent à surveiller, il vient d'être choisi pour illustrer la serie Secret Avengers chez Marvel mais vous le connaissez peut être pour son travail chez Image sur des series comme Dynamo 5 et Hyperkinetic, Outcast chez Boom Studio où encore Deadpool chez Marvel.
On pourrais comparer son style à du Sean Murphy mais avec une influence Japonaise.
Vous retrouverez dans ce sketchbook de nombreux dessins faits en convention mais egalement les originaux de ses couvertures et pages interieures.

SC 48pp Couleur Noir et Blanc Signé
Andrew Robinson & Essential Sequential

La verité c'est que je suis un grand fan du travail d'Andrew Robinson mais je vais essayé d'être impartial, vous trouverez dans ce sketchbook de nombreuses etudes de personnages en couleur et en noir et blanc, le tout dans son style unique.

Art Hog n'est pas le seul nouveau livre que nous avons d'Andrew, nous avons egalement quelques rares copies de DS9P un comics auto publié de 9 pages avec quelques croquis à la fin, l'histoire se deroule dans un univers western apocalyptique.

SC 48pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Aspen MLT Inc.

Le troisieme et probablement le dernier de cette serie commemorant l'elegant travail de Michael Turner, regroupant des croquis qu'il a produit avant de nous quitter en 2008.

Chacun de ces volumes est limité à 1000 exemplaires et nous avons de petites quantités du 1 et 2.

HC 304pp Couleur Noir et Blanc

Voici un livre richement illustré et densement detaillé, vous y trouverez plus de photos que d'illustrations, vous y découvrirez le procedé de creation de ces enormes films, les trois utilisant un nombre impressionnant de personnes.
Vous  aurez egalement acces à la visison des acteurs et de l'equipe technique sur la production de ces films.

SC 272 pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Ballistic Publishing

Retrouver les travaux de recherches qui ont mené à la creation de cet incroyable jeu, recherches de personnages, d'environnements, d'armes, d’équipements et de véhicules.

SC 192pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Udon Entertainment

Des tas d'illustrations de Takehito Tarada dans son style pur et clair, le tout autour de ce jeu de fantasy, incluant recherches graphiques, couvertures de CD et illustrations promotionnelles.

SC 168pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Udon Entertainment

Decouvrez les coulisses de ce jeu, recherches de personnages, illustrations promotionnelles et storyboards dans ce livre parfait pour les fans du jeux.

Finalement nous sommes heureux d'annoncer le retour dans nos bibliotheques de livres populaires à des prix plus bas.

Battle Cry est l'artbook de l'incroyable serie animée Samurai Champloo et Queen of Arts est un recueil d'incroyables travaux d'artistes femininines ayant des styles variés.