Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hi readers and to our Anglophone audience let me explain that BD isn't the latest visual technological gimmick but short for Bande Dessinée, the French term for good old comic books.

So yes our pal super star artist Eric Canete has illustrated one in the 7 something or others series by Delcourt, check this out!

HC 64pp Color
OK so Eric isn't really allowed to give his signature elegant dynamism full reign by Herik Hanna's script and honestly I wish they'd found a different vehicle for Eric to make his BD debut.
The story is very intricate and intelligent, as one would expect from a tale featuring the 7 finest detectives investigating a baffling case but I feel the tonnage of dialogue and exposition required to tell the fascinating story intrudes on the space of the artwork to the point that I feel the story might have been better served by a medium other than comics. 
Still this is Eric Canete we're writing about so there are certainly some interesting visuals to be found here, and like a good artist he can convey mood and atmosphere, also I'm told that any French reader partial to " Who done its" is in for a treat as Hanna's story is brilliantly constructed and very well told.

If 7 Detectives is your introduction to Eric's style and you'd like to see more, then we have his sketchbooks Egg and Chocolate available here and also his deluxe art book, Encore, as well. Believe us his art has a flamboyance and dynamism that is exhilarating, ideally suited to the scenes of dramatic action you'll find in these books. 

Et oui notre cher ami Eric Canette a dessiné l'un des volume de la collection "les 7..." aux Editions Delcourt

HC 64pp Couleur

Eric n'a pas pu réellement laisser libre cours à son style habituel ultra dynamique avec le scenario de Herik Hanna et honnetement j'aurais aimé qu'il trouve une autre histoire pour ses debuts en Bande Dessinée.
L'histoire est tres complexe et intelligente, comme on pourrais l'esperer pour une histoire mettant en scene les 7 meilleurs detectives enquetant ensemble, mais j'ai comme l'impression que la quantité de dialogues et textes requise pour raconter cette fascinante histoire etouffe le dessin à un point tel qu'elle aurait été mieux exploitée par un autre medium que la BD.
Cela reste quand même du Eric Canette, il y a donc de tres beaux dessins et etant un tres bon artiste et il arrive à créer une certaine atmosphere qui fonctionne tres bien avec ce tres bon scenario.

Si jamais vous voulez decouvrir plus de travaux d'Eric, nous avons en magasin deux sketchbooks Egg et Chocolate ainsi qu'un magnifique recueil de luxe regroupant ses travaux de 2005 à 2011.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello readers again the update is running late, I've been preparing some cool books for some associates in Annecy just ahead of the international animation festival there in early June.

Still this week did yield a nice batch of new old books, if that sounds odd just keep reading and you'll discover what I'm on about.

HC 160pp Black + White
Titan Books
London's Titan Books continue their series of books reprinting the previously rare, out of print and seminal tomes of invaluable insights on how to draw by legendary illustrator Andrew Loomis.
A great many professionals have purchased the two previous books in this series from us telling us they'd only seen the work before as PDFS and they're delighted to own hard copies of these tracts.
Hopefully Titan will put Creative Illustration on their schedule soon, as this is another must have for professionals and enthusiastic amateurs.

HC 224pp Color Black + White
Back in the 50s EC set the standard other comic publishers aspired to, their uninhibited approach to various genres had other mediums needing to game change and break the molds to keep up.
Their vehicle for parodying the pop culture of the day was Mad and such was the genius of those original writers and artists, orchestrated by the visionary Harvey Kurtzman, that today over 50 years later Mad is still cherished for poking fun at and mocking those who otherwise might disappear up them selves!
We'll be getting Volumes 1,2 and 4 in the near future, meanwhile enjoy this wonderfully produced reprinting of #s 13 - 18 which saw Davis, Elder, Wood, etc. at the top of their game.

We got in an extensive restock of the popular Dover books of classic illustration  from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and among the restocks were a few new releases,

SC 128pp Color Black + White
Another selection of illustrations from the master draftsman, full of detail and atmosphere and covering a variety of subjects and genres not all of them related to the fantasy subjects covered in previous collection of his illustrations from Dover.

SC 512pp Black + White
This book takes a breakneck pace to get us from Durer in Renaissance Germany to Rockwell Kent in 20th Century USA but it's a lot of fun and a lovely view along the way.
It's a great place to discover the forebears of the modern masters and to chart the evolution in style and technique even if this is a very general over view of the art form. 

So, there you have it new old books, duh, and speaking of which that Dover restock means we're brimming with wonderful books featuring artists and styles as diverse as Beardsley, Erté, Dulac, Doré, Wyeth, Kley, Ward and subjects ranging from Joan of Arc, Samurais, animal anatomy and magic carpets!

OK how about we come right up to date with art finished off in some sort of contraption thingy?

HC 212pp Color
Massive Black Studio
Justin Coro Kaufman has created this Massively Black comedy about a down and out who may just be an intergalactic appointed savior of mankind or a totally deluded derelict in need of sedation!
The Massive Black Studio is best known for designing great looking characters, places and accessories for game companies but one of their talents, Justin, decided he'd have a go at creating a graphic novel and straight out to bat he hits a home run.
So, why not join Bob bumming round down town San Francisco and saving existence in this engaging graphic novel?

Once again we'll be skipping the bank holiday to test the theory of a former statesman by work more to hopefully earn more and throwing open our doors on Monday, so if you get bored with the picnic you know where to come! 

Bonjour chers lecteurs la mise à jour du blog est une fois de plus en retard,desolé mais je preparais des supers livres pour le festival International d'Animation d'Annecy. 

Voila donc les nouveautés de la semaine,

HC 160pp Noir et Blanc
Titan Books

L'editeur Londonien Titan Books continue sa serie de reimpressions des rares et epuisés depuis tres longtemps livres d'instructions autour du dessin du legendaire illustrateur Andrew Loomis.
De tres nombreux professionels ont deja acheté les deux precedents volumes en precisant qu'apres autant d'années à les avoir lus seulement en PDF ils etaient ravis de pouvoir les tenir dans ces magnifiques editions.
Titan Books a prevu de continuer avec prochainement Creative Illustration et Fun with a pencil.

HC 224pp Couleur Noir et Blanc

Dans les années 50 EC Comics avait defini les standarts auxquels les autres editeurs aspiraient, leur approche desinhibée vers tous les genres d'histoires obligaient les autres à changer et innover pour survivre.
Leur publication pour parodier la pop culture de cette epoque etait "Mad" et fous etaient egalement les genies qui ecrivaient et dessinaient, le tout orchestré par le visionnaire Harvey Kurtzman, qui aujourdh'ui plus de 50 ans apres la creation de Mad est toujours admiré pour avoir apporté son fun et son humour.
Nous aurons tres prochainement les volumes 1,2 et 4, mais en attendant venez decouvrir cette magnifique reimpression des numeros 13 à 18 où Davis, Elder,Wood et ect.. sont au top de leur talent.

Nous venons de recevoir un important réassort de livres de l'editeur Dover, vous retrouverez un grand choix de recueils d'illustrations classiques de la fin 19ème debut 20ème siècle et parmi cet arrivage il y avait egalemsnt quelques nouveautés,

SC 128pp Couleur Noir et Blanc

Une nouvelle selection d'illustrations du maitre, pleine de details et d'atmospheres, couvrant un grande varieté de sujets et genres donc pas seulement de la fantaisie, genre deja bien devellopé dans les precedents recueils de Dover.

SC 512pp Noir et Blanc

Ce livre vous emmene de Durer pendant la renaissance en Allemagne à Rockwell Kent au 20ème siècle aux Etats-Unis mais de façon tres interressante et instructive.
C'est une tres bonne manière de decouvrir l'evolution des styles et techniques même si cette vue est tres generale.

HC 212pp Couleur
Massive Black Studio

Le studio Massive Black est bien connu pour designer des supers personnages, environnements et accessoires pour les entreprises de jeux-videos mais l'un de leur talent Justin Coro Kaufman a decidé qu'il devrait s'essayer à la création d'une bande dessinée.
Donc pourquoi ne pas rejoindre Bob pendant qu'il essait de sauvait la situation à San Francisco? 

Et pour finir sachez que nous serons ouverts ce lundi de pentecôte, donc si jamais vous vous ennuyez à votre picnic, n'hesitez à nous rendre visite!

Monday, May 21, 2012


So I'm beavering away in the store when in pops a colleague from Pulp's Vintage in the company of a full blooded member of the Sioux tribe from South Dakota and his charming Brazilian wife.

Now when we opened Pulp's Art we considered selling original art but on reflection we decided to leave it to the already established galleries here in Paris.
I'm relieved we did given it is highly specialized work, requiring a completely different set of skills from those of a book seller and a different cliental as well.

So to tie these threads together, John our Sioux friend is a well established avante garde artist in his wife's native Brazil and he wondered if we'd be interested in displaying some of his art in the store, given he'd had some fun painting parodies of famous comic and game characters.

Well we're about to begin offering in the store some really nice, very affordable laminates of work which has proven very popular in different formats and there's only so much wall space available here but John is such a charming feller that I offered to put some examples on the blog.

So here they are, warm, funny and naive, these takes by John of some of the best loved characters from US comics remind me of Strange covers from the 70s.


These pieces of Cap, Spidey, Spidey and CO., Surfer, Diana & Supes are 32 x 24 and 150€ each

While these pieces of Elektra and Lara Croft are 50 x 35 and 250€.

If you like these images then please contact us and we'll arrange the purchase for you.

If you want to know more about John and his art then visit his site  at www.johntashunka.synthasite.com

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Sorry readers we're running late with the update this week on account of various behind the scenes activities, such as preparing orders for associates in Annecy and the USA, as well as preparing for our road trip to Erlangen's International Comic Festival from June 7 - 10, that's Germany's biggest celebration of graphic literature and comic art and it's only every two beers er every two years, so see you there!

So new this week would be,

HC 244pp Color Black + White
Hermes Press
At last an extensive book on one of the most admired creators and his adored creation from the golden age of American animation and comic strips.
Walt Kelly worked at Disney studios on several of their original animated features such as Snow White, Fantasia and Dumbo, he drew comics for Dell and of course created the highly original and hugely successful strip Pogo.
In this delightful book you'll find lots of rare and unpublished artwork, an interview with one of Disney's "nine old men" Ward Kimble in which he discusses the contribution of Kelly to the sumptuous aesthetic they created and there's a full color Sunday Pogo strip reprinted in its entirety.

SC or HC 128pp Color Balck + White
Design Studio Press
Publisher Scott Robertson of Design Studio Press isn't just the publisher of fabulous looking art books for those who want the future now, now, now, he's also a seriously talented designer and artist in his own right.
He's joined by some equally talented artistic chums to create an armada of futuristic flying machines that buzz about the pages of this book.
If you enjoyed Scott's previous book about  future flights of fancy, Lift Off, then you are sure to want to climb aboard and strap in for this trip to tomorrow and beyond!

If Design Studio Press have it in print then we are almost certain to have it in stock here at Pulp's Art, these are exceptionally well produced, visually stimulating and very reasonably priced books.
If you like images yet you aren't familiar with these publications then we'll be happy to introduce you to them.

SC 96pp Color Black + White
Illustrated Press
Dan Zimmer's quarterly publication, Illustration, is a must have for those of us passionate about classic American illustration.
Well researched articles by experts on the featured artists are peppered with gorgeous reproductions of the subject's work.
The latest issue features a detailed examination of Elainne Duillio's career, the women who made the heaving bosom and cascading locks of "all male" model Fabio famous. 
Pretty as a picture herself, Elainne was the the veritable "Queen of romance illustration" with over 500 book covers to her name; then there's my particular favorite feature for this issue about the refined art of Coby Whitmore, finally the energetic art of George Ziel rounds out the issue.

London based publisher the Book Palace, know a thing or two about good illustration and are also big fans of Dan's publication, so they've decided to publish a magazine of their own but focused on the great talents from our side of the pond.
Look for their debut issue of Illustrators on our blog spot in the near future.

Soon the relative calm of these past months will give way to a serious flow of exciting releases as the American artists prepare their new books for the convention season and the books of this summer's movie blockbusters chase the vapor trail left by the stunning success of The Avengers.

Sooner than that we should be welcoming the new books from Cafe Salé, the latest annual selection from the site and a new handy pocket book of cool designs in their Shuffle series.

Desole chers lecteurs pour le retard de la mise à jour du blog, mais nous avons beaucoup à faire entre des envois pour le festival d'Annecy et les Etats-Unis, nous devons aussi preparer notre stand pour le festival d'Erlangen du 7 au 10 Juin en Allemagne.

Voici donc les nouveautes de la semaine,

HC 244pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Hermes Press

Enfin un veritable livre sur l'un des createurs les plus admiré et ses incroyables créations de l'age d'or du cinema d'animation et comic strip americain.
Walt Kelly a travaillé aux Studios Disney sur des films tels que Blanche Neige et les sept nains, Fantasia et Dumbo, il a dessiné des comics pour Dell et bien sur créé la superbement originale serie Pogo.
Dans ce merveilleux livre vous trouverez de nombreux travaux rares et jamais publiés, un interview avec l'un des "nine old men" de Disney, Ward Kimble où il parle de la contribution de Kelly à la somptueuse esthetique qu'ils créerent et vous trouverez egalement une page entiere du strip Pogo reimprimée.

SC or HC 128pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Design Studio Press

L'editeur de Design Studio Scott Robertson ne fait pas que publié de fabuleux art books pour ceux qui veulent voir le futur maintenant, c'est egalement un artiste à part entiere.
Lui et d'autres incroyables talents vous proposent leur creation d'une armada de vaisseaux futuristes.
Si vous avez aimé le precedent art book de Scott, Lift Off, alors vous êtes surs d'apprecier ce magnifique livre!

Tout les livres de chez Design Studio sont disponibles chez Pulp's Art, ils sont exceptionnellement bien realisés, visuellement stimulants et leur prix est assez raisonnable.
Si vous aimez ces images mais n'etes familiers avec ces publications nous serons alors ravis de vous les presenter.

SC 96pp Couleur Noir et Blanc
Illustrated Press

Le magasine Illustration publié par Dan Zimmer, est un must have pour tous ceux qui sont passionnés par l'illustration classique Americaine.
Des articles tres detaillés sur les artistes ecrits par des experts accompagnés de magnifiques reproductions de leurs oeuvres.
Le dernier numero nous presente en details la carriere d'Elainne Duillio, la femme qui a fait connaitre au monde le model Fabio.
Aussi belle que ses oeuvres, Elaine est la veritable reine de l'illustration de romance avec plus de 500 couvertures de romans,il y a egalement un dossier que j'ai vraiment apprecié sur Coby Whitmore, et finallement un dossier sur l'art energique de George Ziel.

L'editeur Londonien Book Palace, connait bien le monde de l'illustration et etant fan du travail de Dan a decidé de publié un magasine du même genre mais concentré  sur les grands talents de l'illustration européenne.

Nous vous previendrons des que le premier numero sera disponible.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hola amigos, I'm just back from a wonderful time at the Ficomic Salon in Barcelona, where we met up with friends old and new from Catalonia, the rest of Spain and from further afield.
A big thank you to everyone who called by our stand and to the warm and friendly Catalans for making the somewhat exhausting show so much fun, THANK YOU!

So on to what arrived while I was away and we have to start with this, an absolute blockbuster,

HC 272pp Color Black + White
Marvel Comics
The film has met with all most universal acclaim, fans the general public and the critics like The Avengers even if Loki and his alien horde don't, heck even the entertainment averse critics at Telerama couldn't condemn it out right.
There's a heap of reasons for the film's success, sympathetic casting of and treatment of the characters, a top team behind the camera and an absolutely amazing creative team providing the film with a distinctive look, building respectfully on foundations lain by the better artists from the original comic books.
You can get a serious slice of the art in this terrific book, crammed as it is with stunning pieces from the Marvel Studios mainstays of Ryan Meinerding and Charlie Wen, and their own super team including the likes of Ian McCaig, Justin Sweet, Andy Park, Rodney Fuentebella and an amazing roster of top creators from the field of film design.

We still have the Art of Captain America, as well as Thor available in individual editions, while you can get Iron Man I and II along with his Avengers teammates Captain America and Thor in the bargain priced pack Art of Marvel Studios! 

SC 304pp Color Black + White
Udon Entertainment
Artwork of characters and hardware for the latest incarnation of the Valkyria video/computer game in which the skinny kids of Gallai fight off or fall disastrously to the militaristic entities, The Federation and/or The Empire.

HC 119pp Color Black + White
This homage to the artistic talent of Willy Maltaite better known simply as Will is a real pleasure, it might have been more extensive but the pieces gathered together are beautifully reproduced and vividly recall his versatility.
Will had the ability to paint and draw in a variety of styles recalling talents as diverse as Jim Flora, Kiraz, Hugo Pratt and Ronald Searle.
This is the third such art book from Dupuis' Aire Libre imprint following on from Frank's Zoo La Visite and Gibrat's Jeanne & Cécile and frankly we wish more French publishers would get into publishing art books as they do a wonderful job.

We're aware that the superb artist Mathieu Lauffray - you can find his BD  Long John Silver here - will enjoy a follow up compendium from Ankama of his film and BD work to sit along side the excellent Proto 2003 but we wish more artists  got the art book treatment.
Wouldn't we all like to see the character studies and development art for the major series and artists in the BD field?
Certainly it's of interest to us at Pulp's Art and so if you are a professional with rights to your characters or with a lot of generic drawings which don't relate to a specific character we could well be interested in collaborating with you on an art book and we invite you to contact us.

Finally somebody has done something new with Alice in Wonderland, take a look at.

HC 56pp Color
So misters Tebo and Kerimidas of Captain Biceps and Lunna fame take our eponymous heroine to a jungle setting where she encounters a white baboon and a cheshire tiger.
It's not your grandmother's Alice nor is it quite the story Alice feels she should be inhabiting but it appears to be a lot of fun.

Hola Amigos, je reviens juste d'un super sejour à la convention Ficomic qui s'est deroulée à Barcelone, j'y ai rencontré de nouveaux amis et y ai revu d'anciens, venant tous de Catalane et du reste de l'Espagne.
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui se sont arretés à notre stand et à leur convivialité et amitié qui nous ont permis de passer un super moment malgré notre fatigue, MERCI!

Voyons voir quels ouvrages sont arrivés pendant mon absence, nous allons commencé avec cet absolu blockbuster,

HC 272pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Marvel Comics

Le film rencontre un tres grand succes, aussi bien chez les fans que chez le grand public.
Il y a de nombreuse raisons pour cela, un bon casting, un bon traitement dans l'ecriture des personnages, une super equipe derrière la camera et une incroyable equipe creative donnant au film un style unique basé sur les designs des comics originels.  

Vous trouverez justement tout ce travail dans ce livre incroyable, rempli de magnifiques illustrations d'artistes du Studio Marvel tels que Ryan Meinerding et Charlie Wen mais aussi d'artistes tels que Ian McCaig, Justin Sweet, Andy Park, Rodney Fuentebella et de nombreux autres top designers de l'industrie du cinema Americain.

Nous avons toujours les livres Art of Captain America, Art of Thor et le coffret contenant les Art of Captain America, Thor, Iron man 1 et 2!

SC 304pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Udon Entertainment

Retrouvez les illustrations des personnages et vehicules du dernier jeu video Valkyria!

HC 119pp Color Black + White

Cet hommage au talent artistique de Willy Maltaite plus connu sous le nom de Will est un réel plaisir, il aurait pu être plus riche mais les illustrations choisies sont tres bien reproduites et rapellent bien la diversite de son art.
Will a l'abilité de peindre et dessiner dans une variete de style rapellant des talents tels que Jim Flora, Kiraz, Hugo Pratt et Ronald Searle.
C'est le troisieme art book sorti aux Editions Dupuis dans la collection Aire Libre, les deux premiers etant Zoo la Visite de Frank et Jeanne et Cecile de Gibrat et franchement nous aimerions voir d'aussi beaux artbooks publiés par des editeurs Français plus souvent!

Nous venons d'apprendre que l'incroyable artiste qu'est Mathieu Lauffray – dont vous pourrez trouver sa dernière serie Long John Silver en magasin – va sortir un nouvel artbook aux editions Ankama, ce qui nous permettra de voir tous les projets sur lesquels il a travaillé depuis la sortie de l'excellent Proto en 2003.
Chez Pulp's Art nous voudrions voir plus d'artbooks nous permettant de voir les recherches et etudes faites par les artistes issus de la Bande Dessinée Franco-Belge, c'est pourquoi si vous êtes un professionnel dont les droits sur vos creations vous appartiennent où ayant de nombreux dessins qui ne correspondent pas qu'à un seul personnage nous serions interressés de collaborrer avec vous et nous vous invitons à nous contacter.

Et pour finir voici une equipe qui a fait quelque chose de nouveaux avec la legende d'Alice au pays de merveilles,

HC 56pp Couleur

Realisé par Tebo (Captain Biceps) et Keramidas (Luuna) une histoire où l'on voit Alice perdue dans la jungle et rencontrant un baboin blanc ainsi qu'un tigre de Cheshire.
Ce n'est evidemment pas l'Alice dont on a l'habitude mais c'est vraiment fun.