HC 96pp Color, Black + White
Faustmann & Schonebaum
Over the last few years the incredibly gifted Sebastian Kruger has been moving increasingly from caricature towards portraiture.
His work still has plenty of energy and dynamism but without the delirious distortion of his previous work one is now left stunned by his ability to capture the essence of his subjects.
This nice little book, produced in a limited quantity of just 1000, takes us into the studio where we meet Sebastian as he produces three masterpieces, a cheeky adaptation of Joseph Karl Stieler's famous portrait of Beethoven, a heartfelt Jimmy Hendrix in his prime and a stunning image of Arnie as the Terminator, which almost has one ducking for cover!
These last two are incredibly life like and the photo sequencing of the work, taking us from bare canvas to finished piece, reminds us that Sebastian achieves his amazing results without the manipulations of the computer.
In addition there are some sketches and drawings, including a study of Harrison Ford which rivals the great Drew Struzan and of course his old mate Keith Richards puts in an appearance.
Insights is a fascinating portrait of an amazing artist at work, an enjoyable if humbling experience.
Depuis ces dernières années l'incroyablement doué Sebastian Kruger a evolué des caricatures vers des portraits plus classiques.
Son travail a encore plein d'energie et de dynamisme mais sans la delirante distorsion de ses precedentes peintures, on est maintenant abasourdi par son abilité à capturer l'essence de ses sujets.
This nice little book, produced in a limited quantity of just 1000, takes us into the studio where we meet Sebastian as he produces three masterpieces, a cheeky adaptation of Joseph Karl Stieler's famous portrait of Beethoven, a heartfelt Jimmy Hendrix in his prime and a stunning image of Arnie as the Terminator, which almost has one ducking for cover!
These last two are incredibly life like and the photo sequencing of the work, taking us from bare canvas to finished piece, reminds us that Sebastian achieves his amazing results without the manipulations of the computer.
In addition there are some sketches and drawings, including a study of Harrison Ford which rivals the great Drew Struzan and of course his old mate Keith Richards puts in an appearance.
Insights is a fascinating portrait of an amazing artist at work, an enjoyable if humbling experience.
HC 96pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Faustmann & Schonebaum
Depuis ces dernières années l'incroyablement doué Sebastian Kruger a evolué des caricatures vers des portraits plus classiques.
Son travail a encore plein d'energie et de dynamisme mais sans la delirante distorsion de ses precedentes peintures, on est maintenant abasourdi par son abilité à capturer l'essence de ses sujets.
Ce petit livre, limité à seulement 1000 exemplaires nous emmene dans son studio où on le voit produire 3 oeuvres d'art, une adaptation du fameux portrait de Beethoven par Joseph Karl Stieler, un touchant Jimmi Hendrix et une incroyable peinture de Arnold Schwarzenneger en Terminator !
Ces deux dernières sont incroyablement vivantes et des photos nous montrent etapes par etapes comment Sebastian atteint cet incroyable resultat sans l'aide d'un ordinateur.?
En plus de cela vous trouverez egalement des croquis et dessins incluant des recherches d'Harrison Ford qui rivalisent avec les travaux de Drew Struzan et bien sur quelques dessins de son vieil ami Keith Richards.
Insights est un fascinant portrait d'un incryable artiste creant, une veritable experience.
Ces deux dernières sont incroyablement vivantes et des photos nous montrent etapes par etapes comment Sebastian atteint cet incroyable resultat sans l'aide d'un ordinateur.?
En plus de cela vous trouverez egalement des croquis et dessins incluant des recherches d'Harrison Ford qui rivalisent avec les travaux de Drew Struzan et bien sur quelques dessins de son vieil ami Keith Richards.
Insights est un fascinant portrait d'un incryable artiste creant, une veritable experience.
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